Trusted Workers’ Compensation Attorney Serving Pennsylvania Injured Workers
Paula Robinson, Esq. Of Counsel

Work Injury, Where do I Start?

You unfortunately suffered a work injury, gave the proper notice to your employer, and are seeking medical attention. What are the necessary steps to ensure that your claim is accepted by your employer’s workers’ compensation carrier and that you receive the proper wage loss and medical benefits?

You should seek out an experienced, certified specialist in the practice of PA workers’ compensation. When hiring a law firm to handle your unique workers’ compensation case, you should choose carefully to suit your specific needs. 

The benefit of choosing Paula Robinson as your attorney is that you are retaining her as your attorney, not a law firm with multiple associates, paralegals, and intake personnel. I answer the phone and speak with you directly about your case so nothing is lost in translation. Not only will you deal directly with me, I will be solely responsible for your case from start to finish which cuts down on unnecessary wasted time. Over my 34 years of practice, I have found that people like to tell their story once, not multiple times to multiple people.

In PA workers’ compensation cases, the benefits are two-fold; wage loss and medical benefits. Every case is unique and it is imperative to retain a Certified Workers’ Compensation attorney who can spot the issues that need to be addressed and do so in a timely manner. My decades of experience in having represented both Employers and Claimants serve my clients well. I now only represent injured workers referred to as Claimants.

Not only do I give my personal attention to each case, but I also partner with third party companies that focus on fulfilling medical needs and protect you against liens that can be from Medicare, Medicaid, ERISA, and the Department of Welfare, just to name a few.

Through my years of representing injured workers, I have helped my clients obtain millions of dollars in awards and settlements of their cases. Call me today for aggressive yet compassionate representation on your workers’ compensation case.