Trusted Workers’ Compensation Attorney Serving Pennsylvania Injured Workers
Paula Robinson, Esq. Of Counsel


Utility workers, whether they be for electric power, phone, cable, etc…all too commonly suffer falls from vehicles and equipment on the job.  Fall injuries can occur when you slip, trip, jump, misstep, lose your balance or footing when getting into and out of vehicle cabs or loading and unloading materials from vehicle beds or other parts of a vehicle or equipment.  Injuries can also occur while climbing into or out of backhoes, bucket lifts, trucks or other equipment.
Overexertion injuries are common as well.  These types of injuries often involve pushing, pulling, lifting or carrying items such as wrenches, shovels, conductors, pipes and fittings, office equipment, or boxes and cartons.  
If you find that you or someone you care for has suffered such injuries, please contact Robinson Law for a free initial consultation.