Trusted Workers’ Compensation Attorney Serving Pennsylvania Injured Workers
Paula Robinson, Esq. Of Counsel

Tis the Season for Holiday Part Time Work

Every year, retailers of every kind get busy for the upcoming Christmas season.  With this mad rush to sell as much as possible, the stores and online retailers hire seasonal employees for selling, fulfillment and processing of orders, shipping, and customer support to name a few.  When these employees are hired, the Pennsylvania employers have to provide workers’ compensation insurance in case of accidents and injuries, even though the workers are just seasonal.

grocery aisleAlso, restaurants have special holiday meals and parties that need to be catered and/or delivered.  Injuries can come in all forms, and let’s not forget about the weather, which can be tricky, with snow and ice.  Did you know that health and safety departments in larger corporations that have “in house” shipping, handling, and warehousing of products require their workers to take mandatory breaks and exercise because of the long hours, strenuous work, and potential injuries. Some of these are FedEx, Amazon,, EBay, Babies R Us, and The Home Depot.  Whatever the injury, whether it be physical or psychological, it is especially important to give the employer “Notice” of the work injury as soon as possible, especially if you or a loved one is a seasonal worker, as the time employed will be short lived.  Keep in mind also that Pennsylvania employers are required to have Panel providers on a list that is posted in a prominent place on the job. Employees are required to treat with a provider(s) on the list for the first 90 days after the work injury, in order to have their medical bills paid for by the workers’ compensation carrier.

If you or a loved one suffers a work injury while seasonally employed, contact Robinson Law LLC for a free initial consultation to learn about your rights as an injured worker.