Trusted Workers’ Compensation Attorney Serving Pennsylvania Injured Workers
Paula Robinson, Esq. Of Counsel

The Value of Taking Time Off This Summer

Whether you take a vacation or a short personal day – taking time off from work is a must! As Pennsylvania residents know all too well, break time is a must when summer rolls around! Unfortunately, Americans often forget to take a break, working long and hard hours every year without spending personal time with family and friends. Taking time off is critical, as workplace injuries can make life difficult for you and your family. At Robinson Law LLC, we’ve witnessed countless injuries due to overworked bodies and minds that lead to dangerous and life-altering mistakes. So while you might feel a bit nervous putting in that week-long vacation, think about how much your mind and body will enjoy a week away from the job.

Vacations Help to Renew Your Mind and Body

Most workers complain about the same things — long hours on the job that makes every day feel like a drag. Now think about the excitement you’ll get knowing you have a week-long trip to an amazing vacation destination just around the corner. It’ll make getting up every day just a bit more fun and create anticipation for something other than checking off boxes at work. In addition, vacations have been proven to reduce anxiety and depression, keep relationships intact, and make you more functional at work for months at a time.

Your Paid Time Off Is YOUR Paid Time Off — Use It!

We often work jobs where paid time off disappears as soon as the calendar changes. Even some jobs that transfer days to the next year don’t let you accumulate EVERY day, meaning you’re wasting precious time that could be yours. Taking available paid time off is your right, and while it may be optional if you want to protect yourself from workplace incidents, you should make it a necessity. 

Sick Days Are Essential for Helping Your Body Recuperate

Sick days and paid time off are typically separate for some jobs. That means you can save your vacation time while caring for your body when working is the last thing on your mind. Make sure to take your sick days! They can help prevent injuries and workers’ compensation claims and get you back on your feet in no time. Working through the stress of an illness can only take a toll on your body and can turn a safe work environment into a hazard.

Vacations Don’t Just Have to Be Planned Trips

Remember, paid time off doesn’t mean you must take a trip. Sometimes a simple relaxation day can make a huge difference in your mood. Take a day to finish up errands or spend time with your kids. Or work on special projects, get some additional rest, or spread out responsibilities that you typically would rush into one day. Either way, make sure you don’t lump vacation time as just time to take a trip. Everyone deserves some time to relax to themselves.

Spend Your Time Off Enjoying These Pennsylvania Attractions

The benefits of taking time off seem to be endless, yet it is something we Americans do not do enough. Instead, we average longer work days and shorter vacations. Here is a friendly reminder that taking a break, a personal day, or an actual vacation has health benefits and productivity benefits – so go ahead and take a long weekend and do something fun around Pennsylvania!

  1. Pennsylvania Trails – PA has hundreds of hiking, biking, and horseback riding trails. Grab a map or an app and get out there!
  2. Kayak on a Lake – Eastern PA has dozens of publicly accessible lakes to visit. Rent a canoe or kayak and spend the afternoon peacefully with nature on the water.
  3. Camp or Picnic in a Park – If you haven’t camped yet, it can be a blast if you don’t mind being outdoors and without some amenities. For those not ready to spend the night, a picnic can be just as fun and relaxing.
  4. PA Grand Canyon – A beautiful day trip vacation spot — bring your camera!
  5. Bushkill Falls – Waterfalls in PA that are local and picture-perfect. It’s practically in our backyard, so take the time to enjoy it.
    delaware river gap

Overworked Employees Lead to Injured Employees — Make Sure to Take Advantage of Your Days Off

Remember that your time off will help you to recharge your battery, free your mind from your lists and projects and make life worth living again! Plenty of workers get consumed with their work environment, and as much as you may love your job, this can have an adverse effect on your relationships and productivity. So, disconnect from the emails and phone calls and enjoy time in your own space. And be sure to reach out to Paula Robinson and the Robinson Law LLC team if you’re a victim of typical workplace injuries. Regardless of the cause, Paula and the team will fight for your rights. Get your free consultation today or visit our workers’ compensation FAQ page for more information.