PRESS RELEASE: Doylestown, PA May 22, 2015
Robinson Law LLC is proud to announce their finalist standings for ESQ Award and ESQ Service Area Firm for Philadelphia for 2015 SmartCEO’s CPA & ESQ Awards. Paula Robinson founded Robinson Law in 2011 to represent injured workers in obtain wage-loss and medical workers’ compensation benefits. Ms. Robinson has dedicated her time and energy into her clients and their best interests in understanding the complex and multi-layered process of workers’ compensation claims.
The CPA & ESQ awards recognize the Philadelphia regions top accountants and attorneys for privately held companies. The selection committee chose the finalists based on the quality of nominations submitted. Awards will be presented to those who have made an outstanding impact on their clients’ privately held businesses.
Collectively, the 2015 list of CPA & ESQ finalists averaged 25 years of experience with a combined total of revenue of $3.0 billion, according to the SmartCEO article. Finalists are currently featured in this issue the May/June issue of SmartCEO magazine.
About SmartCEOSmartCEO’s mission is to educate and inspire the business community through its award-winning magazine, connections at C-level events and access to valuable online resources. SmartCEO’s integrated media platforms reach decision makers in the Baltimore, New York, Philadelphia and Washington, DC, metropolitan areas.
About Robinson Law LLC
Robinson Law offers legal services as a claimant representative in Workers’ Compensation. Attorney Paula Robinson has been practicing law for over 27 years and has been certified as a specialist in the practice of workers’ compensation law by the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Section on Workers’ Compensation Law as authorized by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. has been designed as a resource for clients and potential clients to educate, provide useful resources, and to answer frequently asked questions regarding processes and claims. Paula Robinson personally handles all cases and will review your case prior to making a professional recommendation.