Trusted Workers’ Compensation Attorney Serving Pennsylvania Injured Workers
Paula Robinson, Esq. Of Counsel

“Hurt On The Job Lawyers” Help You Win

Hurt on the job, lawyers help you win your compensation claim. On the job injuries are not uncommon. Thousands of skilled and non skilled workers are injured while performing their jobs each year. Many workers fail to report their injuries in fear of retaliation. The workers’ compensation lawyers at Robinson Law LLC can help injured workers get the compensation they are entitled to. Victory is just a telephone call away.

Do Not Get Upset

Companies do not always look out for their employees when injuries occur. There are employers and lawyers to talk to, witnesses to locate, and claims to investigate. It is a stressful time for everyone. Emotions run high, as does tension and frustration. When workers are injured, company administration must report these injuries to their workers’ compensation insurance company and follow their suggestions. This is the perfect time for injured workers to do the same.

Look Out for Your Own Best Interests

When workers get hurt on their jobs, they have to report these injuries to their employer and follow the proper protocol. The next step is to seek medical treatment and seek the expert advice of a qualified workers’ compensation attorney. However, there are a few steps employees must follow on their own to ensure the best outcome.

Record the date and time of each injury. Keeping accurate records is important in building a case. Including a clear picture of your work history, your injuries, and any administrative decisions the company may or may not have made will be helpful to your lawyer and your case.

Get The Help You Deserve

Serious injuries require medical attention. No matter if you are a part-time or full-time employee, it is the law in PA that all employers must have workers’ compensation insurance to cover injured workers. Workers’ compensation benefits pay for lost wages, and all reasonable, necessary, and casually related medical treatment, including medication, physical therapy, and other injury related services injured workers may need.

Contact a law firm that specializes in workers’ compensation claims. Robinson Law LLC takes every claim seriously. Being injured on the job, and receiving workers’ compensation benefits has nothing to do with fault of the injured worker, any coworkers, or the employer. Injuries do happen, and although there can certainly be some exceptions to the law, such as being intoxicated or violation by the injured employee of a positive work order, fault plays no part in the process.

Choose a Law Firm That CaresPaula Robinson featured on a podcast

Experience is the best representation in work related injury cases. Such injuries that result from slip and falls, electrical shocks and burns, motor vehicle accidents and lifting accidents are only a few injuries associated with “on the job injuries”. These are the type of injury cases a workers’ compensation lawyer can help with. Let Robinson Law LLC help you with your particular injury.

Let a professional law firm help you with your workers compensation claim. Get the resources you deserve, while you are laid off from work due to no fault of your own.