Can You Get Workers’ Compensation for Repetitive Strain Injuries?

Repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) are some of the fastest-growing work-related injuries in the U.S. These conditions develop as people are required to perform the same tasks over and over. Tedious motion, stress, and heavy lifting can put a strain on muscles and tendons, leading to unbearable injuries. When these injuries are left untreated, they can become extremely painful and debilitating, preventing workers from adequately performing their jobs.

Do you suspect you have a repetitive stress injury? You could get workers’ compensation benefits if you prove they were obtained while completing work duties.

How to Prove a Repetitive Strain Injury Is Work-Related

While you can get workers’ compensation benefits for repetitive strain injuries under Pennsylvania law, proving there’s a link between your job duties and your condition can be challenging. For this reason, many employers will deny workers’ compensation benefits. If you’re suffering from an RSI, and it’s affecting your ability to work, follow this advice to prove your injury is work-related and deserving of compensation.

Give Notice to Your Employer

You must first give Notice to your employer about your injury to get workers’ compensation for repetitive strain injuries. The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) requires employers to correct workplace hazards, including those that could lead to RSIs. Tell your HR manager or supervisor about your symptoms so that they can take steps to correct the issue and ensure your discussion is documented.

You must note that there are time limits for filing a workers’ compensation claim under Pennsylvania law, and this time constraint also includes when you report your injury to your employer. You should inform your supervisor, manager, boss, or foreman of your work-related condition within 120 days of receiving a diagnosis from your doctor. However, it is best to report your condition as soon as possible, so your employer cannot say that your injury must not have been that excruciating since you waited so long to inform them or contest that it happened from your work.

Visit Your Doctor

The next step for getting workers’ compensation for a repetitive strain injury is to make an appointment with your doctor. This is an essential step to not only relieve any discomfort with your RSI but also to adequately document your condition so that you can file a claim.

Pennsylvania law requires employers to provide a list of panel providers to injured workers to choose a provider to see within the first 90 days of a reported injury. For this reason, you will want to make sure you visit an approved physician and attend all of your appointments.

While attending your doctor’s appointments, take detailed notes and keep all bills and medical information the doctor provides. If they recommend you to a specialist for your work injury, keep records and documents from those visits. This documentation could be vital in helping you get workers’ compensation benefits for your repetitive strain injury.  

Hire a Lawyer

As soon as your doctor diagnoses you with a repetitive stress injury, you should start looking for experienced workers’ compensation lawyers in Montgomery County and the surrounding areas. Many employers refuse to pay workers’ comp claims for repetitive motion injuries and RSIs because they are challenging to prove. A workers’ compensation lawyer will fight for your rights and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve to treat your injury and support yourself.

Get Help Building Your Case Today!

Have you developed a repetitive strain injury due to the nature of your job? You could receive workers’ compensation benefits! As a highly experienced and certified workers’ compensation attorney in Eastern PA, Paula Robinson of Robinson Law can help you navigate the complex process of filing a workers’ comp claim for your RSI and ensure you have strong evidence to secure the benefits you deserve. Reach out today and schedule a free consultation!