Trusted Workers’ Compensation Attorney Serving Pennsylvania Injured Workers
Paula Robinson, Esq. Of Counsel

2011 Concussion & Cervical Spine Injury Symposium Of Bucks County Extremely Informative

On September 20, 2011, an extremely important and informative  Symposium co-sponsored by Princeton Brain and Spine Care, Bucks County Recreation Council, and the Bucks County Sports Commission featuring a panel of doctors, athletic directors, and helmet manufacturers was presented.

The goal is education, protection, and understanding of concussions in the brain.  Concussions can be graded and only need one symptom out of many.  Stewart Bradley and Michael Vick were highlighted as an example of heavy hits to the head.  Concussions are microscopic tears in the brain matter.

man in pain after falling on stepsProblems with diagnosis could be lack of awareness and denial.  Impact tests are being given to students throughout Bucks County to assess a baseline before entering into sports to further help and educate all, including parents and children.

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